From LSJ
ξένος ὢν ἀκολούθει τοῖς ἐπιχωρίοις νόμοις → as a foreigner, follow the laws of that country | when in Rome, do as the Romans do
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
ŏlĕāgĭnus,¹⁵ a, um, d’olivier : Virg. G. 2, 31 ; Nep. Thras. 4, 1.
Latin > English
oleaginus oleagina, oleaginum ADJ :: of the olive tree
Latin > German (Georges)
oleāginus, a, um (olea), olivenfarbig, virgula, Ölzweig, Nep. Thras. 4, 1. Paul. ex Fest. 10, 12: berulli oleagini, hoc est colore olei, Plin. 37, 77: color, Veget. mul. 3, 17, 1. – subst. oleāgina, ae, f., der Ölbaum, Ven. Fort. carm. 7, 12, 109.