Δίκαιος ἐὰν ᾖς, πανταχοῦ τῷ τρόπῳ χρήσῃ νόμῳ († λαληθήσῃ) → Si iustus es pro lege tibi mores erunt → Bist du gerecht, ist dein Charakter dir Gesetz (wirst du in aller Munde sein)
English (LSJ)
ῆρος, ὁ, Ion. and Ep. for κρατήρ (q.v.). κρητηρίζω, v. κρατηρίζω.
French (Bailly abrégé)
ion. c. κρατήρ.
Dutch (Woordenboekgrieks.nl)
κρητήρ Ion. voor κρατήρ.
Russian (Dvoretsky)
κρητήρ: ῆρος ὁ эп.-ион. = κρατήρ.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
κρητήρ: -ῆρος, ὁ, Ἰων. καὶ Ἐπικ. κρατήρ, ὁ μόνος παρ᾿ Ὁμ. τύπος.
English (Autenrieth)
ῆρος (κεράννῦμι): mixingbowl, wassail-bowl, in which wine and water were mingled, to be distributed in cups; two parts of wine to three of water was a common mixture; κρητῆρα μίσγεσθαι, στήσασθαι, ‘set up,’ place at hand. The wassail-bowl was usually placed near the hearth, and often on a tripod (esp. when several κρητῆρες were in use at the banquet); the contents were poured into the cups (δέπαα) by means of a filler (πρόχοος, pitcher), Od. 3.339. Cut No. 8 shows (1) the ἀμφιφορεύς, from which the wine was poured into the upper, smaller mixing-bowl, on which the πρόχοος stands. The second mixing-bowl served to contain the water, and then the contents of both bowls may be imagined as mixed in the largest bowl, which stands upon the tripod, and from which the diluted wine was distributed. (Cf. cut No. 26.)
Greek Monolingual
κρητήρ, -ῆρος, ὁ (Α)
(ιων. και επικ. τ.) βλ. κρατήρας.
Greek Monotonic
κρητήρ: -ῆρος, ὁ, Ιων. και Επικ. αντί κρατήρ.
German (Pape)
ion. und ep. = κρατήρ.