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ἅλμην πιόντες ἐξαπῆλθον τοῦ βίου → they drank seawater and departed from life


Wikipedia EN

Colutea arborescens
Colutea arborescens

Colutea arborescens is a species of leguminous shrub known by the common name bladder-senna. It is native to Europe and North Africa, but it is known on other continents where it is grown as an ornamental and used in landscaping for erosion control. It is also known in the wild as an occasionally weedy escapee from cultivation.


Colutea arborescens

ar: قنصور شجري; arz: قنصور شجرى; az: Ağacvari şaqqıldaq; bg: Плюскач; ca: Espantallops; cs: Žanovec měchýřník; cy: Senna codog; da: Almindelig blærebælg; de: Gelber Blasenstrauch; en: bladder-senna; es: Colutea arborescens; fr: Baguenaudier; hr: Drvolika pucalina; hsb: Žołty žanowc; hu: Pukkanó dudafürt; no: Blærebusk; pl: Moszenki południowe; ru: Пузырник древовидный; sr: Пуцалина; sv: Blåsärt; zh: 鱼鳔槐