Τοὺς δούλους ἔταξεν ὡρισμένου νομίσματος ὁμιλεῖν ταῖς θεραπαινίσιν → He arranged for his male slaves to have sex with female slaves at a fixed price (Plutarch, Life of Cato the Elder 21.2)
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
offīgo: (obf-), xi, xum, 3, v. a. ob-figo,
I to drive in, fix in, fasten (ante- and postclass.): furcas circum offigito, Cato, R. R. 48, 2; Lex Puteol. ap. Grut. 207, 1: ita densos offigunt implicantque ramos, Liv. 33, 5, 10 Drak. N. cr.: in crucem currere ... ut offigantur bis pedes, bis bracchia, Plaut. Most. 2, 1, 13: manum alicujus ad ostii tabulam grandi clavo, App. M. 4, p. 147, 3.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
offīgō¹⁶ (ob-), fīxī, fīxum, ĕre, tr., ficher, attacher à : Cato Agr. 48, 2 ; Pl. Most. 360.
Latin > German (Georges)
offīgo, fīxī, fīxum, ere (ob u. figo), einschlagen, befestigen, furcas circum, Cato: bis pedes, bis brachia (sc. ad crucem), Plaut.: ita densos (vallos) offigunt implicantque ramis, ut etc., Liv.: off. manum alcis ad tabulam ostii clavo grandi, Apul.