τίς δ' οἶδεν εἰ τὸ ζῆν μέν ἐστι κατθανεῖν, τὸ κατθανεῖν δὲ ζῆν κάτω νομίζεται → who knows if life is death, and if in the underworld death is considered life
Latin > English
cervical cervicalis N N :: pillow, cushion
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
cervīcal: (cervīcāle, Cassiod. Orth. p. 2302 P.), ālis, n. cervix,
I a pillow or bolster, = pulvinus; sing., Mart. 14, 146; Juv. 6, 353; Petr. 56, 8; plur., Plin. Ep. 6, 16, 16; Petr. 32, 1; 78, 5; Suet. Ner. 6; Plin. 20, 20, 82, § 217; 28, 4, 12, § 47.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
cervīcăl,¹³ ālis, n. (cervix), oreiller, coussin : Plin. Min. Ep. 6, 16, 16 et cervīcāle, is, n., Cassiod. Orth. 6, 184, 3.
Latin > German (Georges)
cervīcal, ālis, n. (cervix), das Kopfkissen, Cels., Petr., Plin. ep. u.a. – Nbf. cervīcāle, is, n., Cassiod. gramm. VII, 184, 3. Not. Tir. 97, 97; vgl. Gloss. ›cervicale, επαυχένιον‹.