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Ὅτι οὐδὲν ἧττον τὰ αὐτὰ ποιήσουσι, κἂν σὺ διαρραγῇς → You may break your heart, but men will still go on as before


Latin > English

levor levoris N M :: smoothness

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

lēvor: (laevor), ōris, m. id.,
I smoothness: haud sine principali aliquo levore, Lucr. 2, 423: spectantur in chartis tenuitas, densitas, candor, levor, Plin. 13, 12, 24, § 78: levorem corpori afferre, id. 30, 14, 43, § 127; 37, 4, 15, § 56: vocis, Lucr. 4, 552.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

lēvŏr¹⁴ (læv-), ōris, m., le poli : Lucr. 2, 423 ; 4, 552 ; Plin. 13, 78 ; 30, 127.

Latin > German (Georges)

lēvor (laevor), ōris, m. (lēvis), die Glätte (Ggstz. asperitas), chartae, Plin.: vocis, Lucr.: corporis, des innern K., Cels.