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Ὅστις γὰρ ἐν πολλοῖσιν ὡς ἐγὼ κακοῖς ζῇ, πῶς ὅδ' Οὐχὶ κατθανὼν κέρδος φέρει; → For one who lives amidst such evils as I do, how could it not be best to die?

Sophocles, Antigone, 464-5

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

inter-lūco: āre, v. a. lux,
I to let the light through a tree by clearing it of its useless branches; to lop or thin a tree (Plinian): interlucata densitate ramorum, Plin. 17, 23, 35, § 214: arbores, id. 17, 12, 19, § 94.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

interlūcō, āre (lux), tr., élaguer, éclaircir : Plin. 17, 94 ; 17, 214.

Latin > German (Georges)

inter-lūco, āvī, ātum, āre (inter u. lux), einen Baum lichten, adultas oleas, Plin. 17, 93: densitatem ramorum, Plin. 17, 214.