
From LSJ
Revision as of 17:30, 7 October 2024 by lsj>Spiros

πενία μόνα τὰς τέχνας ἐγείρει → poverty alone promotes skilled work, necessity is the mother of invention, necessity is the mother of all invention, poverty is the mother of invention, out of necessity comes invention, out of necessity came invention, frugality is the mother of invention


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

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Use P. τὸ γλίσχρον, γλισχρότης.



Afrikaans: viskositeit; Arabic: لِزُوجَة; Bulgarian: вискозност; Catalan: viscositat; Chinese Mandarin: 粘性, 粘度; Dutch: viscositeit; Finnish: viskoosisuus, sitkaus; French: viscosité; Galician: viscosidade; Georgian: სიბლანტე, მწებვარობა; German: Zähflüssigkeit, Viskosität; Greek: ιξώδες; Ancient Greek: γλίσχρασμα, γλισχρότης, ξυνέχεια, συνέχεια, τὸ γλίσχρον, τὸ γλοιῶδες; Hindi: श्यानता; Ido: viskozeso; Irish: bealaitheacht, glóthaí, righneacht, slaodacht; Italian: viscosità; Japanese: 粘性, 粘度; Malay: kelikatan; Polish: lepkość; Portuguese: viscosidade; Russian: вязкость; Slovene: viskóznost; Spanish: viscosidad; Thai: ความหนืด; Ukrainian: в'язкість; Vietnamese: nhớt, sền sệt, lầy nhầy