From LSJ
Σοφία δὲ πλούτου κτῆμα τιμιώτερον → Pretiosior res opipus est sapientia → Die Weisheit ist mehr wert als Säcke voller Geld
English (LSJ)
οῦ, ὁ,
A one who guides strangers, cicerone, π. καὶ ἀρχιατρός IG4.723 (Hermione), cf.3.1335, Plu.2.675e, Luc.VH2.31; at Delphi, Plu.2.395a (pl.), etc.; ὁ π. τῆς εἰκόνος the man who explains it, Luc.Cal.5. II author of geographical descriptions, as Dionysius ὁ περιηγητής; also of Polemo, Ath.5.210a, cf. Plu. Them. 32.