ἔκστασίς τίς ἐστιν ἐν τῇ γενέσει τὸ παρὰ φύσιν τοῦ κατὰ φύσιν → what is contrary to nature is any developmental aberration from what is in accord with nature (Aristotle, On the Heavens 286a19)
Full diacritics: ἀνῠτω | Medium diacritics: ἀνύτω | Low diacritics: ανύτω | Capitals: ΑΝΥΤΩ |
Transliteration A: anýtō | Transliteration B: anytō | Transliteration C: anyto | Beta Code: a)nu/tw |
or ἁνύτω, Att.form of ἀνύω.