From LSJ
τούτων γάρ ἑκάτερον κοινῷ ὀνόματι προσαγορεύεται ζῷον, καί ὁ λόγος δέ τῆς οὐσίας ὁ αὐτός → and these are univocally so named, inasmuch as not only the name, but also the definition, is the same in both cases (Aristotle, Categoriae 1a8-10)
English (LSJ)
A dark olive-coloured, sallow, v.l. in Hp.Epid.6.2.19, prob. in Arist. Phgn.812a19, cf. Gal.13.460, Vett.Val.111.9, Aret.SD2.1; χροιή ib. 1.5; χολή ib.15.
German (Pape)
[Seite 118] schwarzgelb od. schwarzbraun, s. v. l. für μελίχλωρος, Plat. Rep. V, 474 e.