From LSJ
ὑμῖν ἔξεστι εὐδαίμοσι γενέσθαι → to you it is permitted to be joyful, it is permitted to be happy, it is permitted to be fortunate, vobis licet esse beatis
Full diacritics: μελοκοπέω | Medium diacritics: μελοκοπέω | Low diacritics: μελοκοπέω | Capitals: ΜΕΛΟΚΟΠΕΩ |
Transliteration A: melokopéō | Transliteration B: melokopeō | Transliteration C: melokopeo | Beta Code: melokope/w |
A mutilate, Ptol.Tetr.201 (Pass.), Vett.Val.6.21 (Pass.).
[Seite 127] Glieder abhauen, oder zerhauen, Sp.