From LSJ
Ἤθους δικαίου φαῦλος οὐ ψαύει λόγος → Vox prava non pertingit ad mores bonos → Verkommne Rede rührt nicht an gerechte Art
English (LSJ)
(and σκαμωνία), ἡ,
A scammony, Convolvulus, Scammonia, from the roots of which the purgative medicine Scammony is extracted, Eub.19, Arist.Pr.864a4, b13, Thphr.HP 4.5.1, 9.1.3, al., Dsc.4.170; also σκαμμώνιον, τό, Nic.Al.565; σκαμώνειον, Anon. Lond.37.19; cf. ἀσκαμωνία, κάμων. [σκᾰμωνία Eub. l.c.; the spelling with one μ is found also in Thphr.HP9.1.4 codd., 9.9.1 codd., Sor. 1.125, Hsch., and as v.l. in Dsc. l.c.; cf. σκαμώνειον; but σκαμμώνιον is corroborated by the metre in Nic. l.c.]