Αὐρήλιοι... πατρὶ... καὶ μητρὶ... μνήμης χάριν → The Aurelii, in memory of their father and mother (inscription from Aizonai, Phrygia)
Full diacritics: ἐπικαταρρέω | Medium diacritics: ἐπικαταρρέω | Low diacritics: επικαταρρέω | Capitals: ΕΠΙΚΑΤΑΡΡΕΩ |
Transliteration A: epikatarréō | Transliteration B: epikatarreō | Transliteration C: epikatarreo | Beta Code: e)pikatarre/w |
A run down, of humours, from the head to other parts, Hp.Aër.3. II. fall down upon, νεκροῖς Plu.Pel.4.