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ἀλλ' ἐπὶ καὶ θανάτῳ φάρμακον κάλλιστον ἑᾶς ἀρετᾶς ἅλιξιν εὑρέσθαι σὺν ἄλλοις → even at the price of death, the fairest way to win his own exploits together with his other companions | but even at the risk of death would find the finest elixir of excellence together with his other companions | but to find, together with other young men, the finest remedy — the remedy of one's own valoreven at the risk of death

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Full diacritics: ὑπαμπέχω Medium diacritics: ὑπαμπέχω Low diacritics: υπαμπέχω Capitals: ΥΠΑΜΠΕΧΩ
Transliteration A: hypampéchō Transliteration B: hypampechō Transliteration C: ypampecho Beta Code: u(pampe/xw

English (LSJ)

   A keep under a cloak, τὸ ἦθος Plu.2.562b (Pass.).

German (Pape)

[Seite 1181] (s. ἔχω), unter der Bedeckung oder dem Kleide verbergen, Plut. S. N. V. 20.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ὑπαμπέχω: ἔχω ἢ τηρῶ ἢ κρύπτω ὑπὸ κάλυμμα, ὑποκρύπτω, τὸ ἦθος Πλούτ. 2. 562B.

French (Bailly abrégé)

envelopper d’un vêtement.
Étymologie: ὑπό, ἀμπέχω.

Greek Monolingual

1. κρύβω κάτι κάτω από τα ρούχα μου
2. (γενικά) υποκρύπτω.
[ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < υπ(ο)- + ἀμπέχω «περιβάλλω, καλύπτω»].