From LSJ
θεωρεῖται δὲ ἀνοησίᾳ κρείττονι νοήσεως → it is grasped only by means of an ignorance superior to intellection, it may be immediately cognised only by means of a non-intellection superior to intellection
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
nae: vulgar form for nē (v. 3. ne), particle of assurance,
I verily, truly.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
næ, forme vulgaire pour nē 1.
Latin > German (Georges)
nae, Adv., s. 1. nē.
Latin > English
nae ADV :: truely, indeed, verily, assuredly; (particle of assurance); (w/personal PRON)