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Ἐς δὲ τὰ ἔσχατα νουσήματα αἱ ἔσχαται θεραπεῖαι ἐς ἀκριβείην, κράτισται → But for extreme illnesses, extreme remedies, applied with severe exactitude, are the best (Hippocrates, Aphorism 6)


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

asbestŏs: i, m. (sc. lapis), = ἄσβεστος (incombustible),
I a stone of an iron-gray color, found in Arcadia, differing from the common asbestos, perh. amiantus, Plin. 37, 10, 54, § 146.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

asbestŏs, ī, m. (ἄσβεστος), minéral incombustible : Plin. 37, 146 || lapis asbestos Aug. Civ. 21, 7, 1, amiante.

Latin > German (Georges)

asbestos, ī, f. (ἄσβεστος, unverbrennlich), ein eisenfarbiger Stein, der sich in den Gebirgen Arkadiens fand, versch. von unserem Asbest; viell. unser Amiant, Plin. 37, 146. Solin. 7, 13. Isid. 16, 4, 4: lapis asbestos, Augustin. de civ. dei 21, 7, 1.

Latin > English

asbestos asbesti N M :: mineral or gem; iron-gray stoner from Arcadia (not common asbestos) (L+S)