From LSJ
Ἰσότητα τίμα, μὴ πλεονέκτει μηδένα → Aequalitatem cole, neque ullum deprimas → Die Gleichheit ehre, keinen übervorteile
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
con-ferrūmĭno: (-ferūmĭno), āre,
I v. a., to cement, to solder together, Plin. 27, 8, 45, § 69.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
cōnferrūmĭnō (cōnferū-), āre, tr., souder ensemble : Plin. 27, 69.
Latin > German (Georges)
cōn-ferrumino (die besten Hdschrn. auch conferumino), āre, zusammenlöten, Plin. 27, 69.
Latin > English
conferrumino conferruminare, conferruminavi, conferruminatus V TRANS :: cause to join; knit together (fractures); cement (L+S); solder together