οἷς τὰ ὁρώμενα τὴν ἀρχὴν ἐνδίδωσι, καὶ οἷον ὑπήνεμα διὰ τῶν ὀφθαλμῶν τὰ πάθη ταῖς ψυχαῖς εἰστοξεύονται → who taketh his beginning and occasion from something which is seen, and then his passion, as though wind borne, shoots through the eyes and into the heart
Full diacritics: ἐξαπίνας | Medium diacritics: ἐξαπίνας | Low diacritics: εξαπίνας | Capitals: ΕΞΑΠΙΝΑΣ |
Transliteration A: exapínas | Transliteration B: exapinas | Transliteration C: eksapinas | Beta Code: e)capi/nas |
Doric and Aeolic as ἐξαπίνης.
dor. c. ἐξαπίνης.
1 of a sudden ἐξαπίνας εἰ μὴ θεὸς ἁγεμόνεσσι κυβερνατὴρ γένηται (P. 4.273)
ἐξᾰπίνᾱς: дор. = ἐξαπίνης.