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ἀλλ’ οὔτε πολλὰ τραύματ’ ἐν στέρνοις λαβὼν θνῄσκει τις, εἰ μὴ τέρμα συντρέχοι βίου, οὔτ’ ἐν στέγῃ τις ἥμενος παρ’ ἑστίᾳ φεύγει τι μᾶλλον τὸν πεπρωμένον μόρον → But a man will not die, even though he has been wounded repeatedly in the chest, should the appointed end of his life not have caught up with him; nor can one who sits beside his hearth at home escape his destined death any the more

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Full diacritics: ἰδῐοθάνᾰτος Medium diacritics: ἰδιοθάνατος Low diacritics: ιδιοθάνατος Capitals: ΙΔΙΟΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ
Transliteration A: idiothánatos Transliteration B: idiothanatos Transliteration C: idiothanatos Beta Code: i)dioqa/natos

English (LSJ)

[θᾰ], ον, A dying a natural death (cf. ἴδιος 1.6b), Vett.Val.19.2.

German (Pape)

[Seite 1236] ὁ, der eigene Tod, Sp.

Greek Monolingual

ἰδιοθάνατος, -ον (Α)
αυτός που πεθαίνει από φυσικό θάνατο.
[ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < ιδιο- + -θάνατος (< θάνατος), πρβλ. ετοιμο-θάνατος, μελλο-θάνατος.