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Καὶ ζῶν ὁ φαῦλος καὶ θανὼν κολάζεται → Vivisque mortuisque poena instat malis → Der Schlechte wird im Leben und im Tod bestraft
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
blood-guilty: P. ἐναγής, V. προστρόπαιος (rare P.), παλαμναῖος, μιαιφόνος.
criminal, wicked: P. and V. ἄδικος, κακός, ἀνόσιος, κακοῦργος, παράνομος (Euripides, Medea 1121).
disgraceful: P. and V. αἰσχρός.
guilty of: P. and V. αἴτιος (gen.), ἐπαίτιος (gen.).
the guilty man: P. and V. ὁ ἀδικῶν, ὁ δρῶν, ὁ δράσας.
partly guilty: see accessory.
find guilty, convict, v.: P. and V. αἱρεῖν, ἐλέγχειν, ἐξελέγχειν.
condemn: P. and V. αἱρεῖν, καθαιρεῖν.
be found guilty: P. and V. ἁλίσκεσθαι.