Ἰὸς πέφυκεν ἀσπίδος κακὴ γυνή → Ipsum venenum aspidis mulier mala → Das reinste Natterngift ist eine schlechte Frau
Wikipedia EN
Democedes of Croton (Greek: Δημοκήδης), described in The Histories of Herodotus as "the most skillful physician of his time". Democedes was a Greek physician and a member of the court of Darius I. He was born in Croton, in southern Italy. His father was Calliphon, a priest and physician at Croton at the time of Pythagoras. His first position as physician seems to be in civil service of Athens and Aegina. Later he entered service under Polycrates. In 522 B.C., Polycrates, his entourage, and Democedes were all captured as Lydians by Oroetes and sent to Susa.
Spanish (DGE)
-ους, ὁ
Democedes de Crotona, hijo de Califonte, médico y pitagórico que obtuvo el favor de Darío, Hdt.3.125, 131, Ael.VH 8.17, D.Chr.77/78.11, D.C.38.18.5, Iambl.VP 257, Democedes, I.
Russian (Dvoretsky)
Δημοκήδης: ους ὁ Демокед (родом из Кротона, знаменитый врач VII в. до н. э.) Her.
ar: ديموسيديس; az: Demoked; ca: Demòcedes; de: Demokedes; el: Δημοκήδης; en: Democedes; es: Democedes; fa: دموکدس; fr: Démocédès; hu: Démokedész; it: Democede; nl: Democedes; pl: Demokedes; ro: Democede; ru: Демокед; uk: Демокед; zh: 迪莫塞迪斯