From LSJ
ἀλλ᾽ ἀμφὶ τοῖς σφαλεῖσι μὴ 'ξ ἑκουσίας ὀργὴ πέπειρα → to those who err in judgment, not in will, anger is gentle | men's wrath is softened toward those who have erred unwittingly
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
P. and V. λόγοι, οἱ. v. intrans. Parley with: V. εἰς λόγους ἔρχεσθαι (dat.) (cf., Ar., Nub. 470), διὰ λόγων ἀφικνεῖσθαι (dat.), P. κοινολογεῖσθαι (dat.); see confer.