From LSJ
πενία μόνα τὰς τέχνας ἐγείρει → poverty alone promotes skilled work, necessity is the mother of invention, necessity is the mother of all invention, poverty is the mother of invention, out of necessity comes invention, out of necessity came invention, frugality is the mother of invention
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
ăphŏrismus, ī, m. (ἀφορισμός), aphorisme : C. Aur. Acut. 3, 1, 5.
Latin > English
aphorismus aphorismi N M :: aphorism
Latin > German (Georges)
aphorismus, ī, m. (ἀφορισμός), ein kurzer Satz od. Lehrsatz, der den Hauptbegriff einer Sache gedrängt zusammenfaßt, der Aphorismus, Cael. Aur. acut. 3, 1, 5. Isid. 4, 10, 1.