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φωνὰ τύ τίς ἐσσι καὶ οὐδὲν ἄλλο → it's all voice you are, and nothing else | it's all voice ye are, and nought else

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Full diacritics: δαψιλέως Medium diacritics: δαψιλέως Low diacritics: δαψιλέως Capitals: ΔΑΨΙΛΕΩΣ
Transliteration A: dapsiléōs Transliteration B: dapsileōs Transliteration C: dapsileos Beta Code: dayile/ws

English (LSJ)

Adv. fr. δαψιλής.

French (Bailly abrégé)

poét. c. δαψιλῶς: en abondance, dans l'abondance
Étymologie: δαψιλής.


en abundancia, abundantemente, con profusión, copiosamente, con generosidad

Russian (Dvoretsky)

δαψῐλέως: Theocr. = δαψιλῶς, обильно, в изобилии.

Dutch (Woordenboekgrieks.nl)

δαψιλέως poët. adv. van δαψιλής: vrijgevig. overvloedig.



Catalan: abundantment, abundosament; Chinese Mandarin: 丰富地; Dutch: overvloedig; Finnish: avokätisesti, runsaasti, vuolaasti, yllin kyllin; French: abondamment, fastueusement; Galician: abundantemente; Georgian: უხვად; German: reichlich; Hungarian: bőségesen, bőven, ömlik, dől, szakad; Italian: abbondantemente; Japanese: 多量に; Latin: abundanter, ubertim; Polish: bogato, obficie; Portuguese: abundantemente; Russian: обильно, изобильно, щедро; Sanskrit: बहु; Spanish: abundantemente; Swedish: rikligt; Telugu: విరివిగా