εἷς οἰωνὸς ἄριστος ἀμύνεσθαι περὶ πάτρης
Αὐρήλιοι... πατρὶ... καὶ μητρὶ... μνήμης χάριν → The Aurelii, in memory of their father and mother (inscription from Aizonai, Phrygia)
Greek to English
fight for your country—that is the best, the only omen, one augury is best of all: to fight in the defense of one's country, one augury is best: to fight in the defense of one's country, one bird is best, to fight for your country, one omen is best, to fight for one's country, one omen is best, to fight on behalf of one's country, the best and only omen is to fight for your country, the best goal is defending your country, the best of omens is to defend one's country, there is only one omen, to fight for one's country, what a great thing, to fight defending your country (Homer, Iliad, 12.243)
uno solo es el mejor de los presagios, luchar por la patria