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νύμφην τ' ἄνυμφον παρθένον τ' ἀπάρθενον → wife unwed and virgin that is no virgin | bride that is no bride, virgin that is virgin no more | virgin wife and widowed maid | unwed bride and ravished virgin

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Full diacritics: βωμίσκος Medium diacritics: βωμίσκος Low diacritics: βωμίσκος Capitals: ΒΩΜΙΣΚΟΣ
Transliteration A: bōmískos Transliteration B: bōmiskos Transliteration C: vomiskos Beta Code: bwmi/skos

English (LSJ)

ὁ, Dim. of βωμός,
A altar-shaped vessel, Hero Spir. 1.38, al.
2 bandage, Gal.18(1).823.
3 Arith., solid or solid number with all its dimensions unequal bounded by rectangles and trapezia, Hero *Deff.114, Theo Sm.p.41 H., Nicom.Ar.2.16, Syrian. in Metaph.143.7, al.
b Geom., plane figure resembling the solid β. in appearance, Papp.878.
4 name of a constellation, Ptol.Alm. 8.1.
5 base of molar teeth, Poll.2.93.

Spanish (DGE)

-ου, ὁ I 1altarcito con un tubo para aprovechar el calor del fuego, Hero Spir.1.38.
2 vasija Hero Spir.1.42, IG 22.1534.180 (III a.C.).
II geom. y astr.
1 bomisco poliedro de altura, anchura y profundidad desiguales entre sí, Hero Def.114, Theo Sm.p. 41, Nicom.Ar.2.16, Syrian.in Metaph.143.7.
2 trapezoide figura plana similar a un ara de lados desiguales, Papp.878
de ahí n. de la constelación Ara Ptol.Alm.8.1 (p.164.12).
3 plu. números impares Hsch.
III medic.
1 raíz o cuello de un molar, Poll.2.93.
2 vendaje θεατρικὴ ... ἡ ἐπίδεσις ... ἐμφερὴς γίγνεται ταῖς ὀρθαῖς γωνίαις τῶν βωμίσκων Gal.18(1).823.

German (Pape)

[Seite 469] ὁ, dim. von βωμός, Sp. Vgl. Poll. 2, 93.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

βωμίσκος: ὁ, ὑποκορ. τοῦ βωμός, σφηνοειδὲς σῶμα, Ἥρων Πνευμ. σ. 191 κἑξ.