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τοιοῦτος πλανίων ἄβιος βίος → that sort of wandering is no life for a life

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Full diacritics: λογχίτης Medium diacritics: λογχίτης Low diacritics: λογχίτης Capitals: ΛΟΓΧΙΤΗΣ
Transliteration A: lonchítēs Transliteration B: lonchitēs Transliteration C: logchitis Beta Code: logxi/ths

English (LSJ)

[ῑ], ου, ὁ,
A spearman, Hdn.Epim.78.
II λογχῖτις, ιδος, ἡ, plant with spear-shaped seeds, Serapias lingua, Dsc.3.144, Gal.12.63.
2 holly fern, Aspidium lonchitis, Dsc.3.145, Gal. l.c.
3 shrub yielding τὸ Ἰνδικὸν λύκιον, Dsc.1.100.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

λογχίτης: [ῑ], -ου, ὁ, λογχοφόρος, Ἡρῳδ. Ἐπιμ. 78. II. λογχῖτις, ιδος, ἡ, ὡς οὐσιαστ., φυτὸν τι «οὗ τὸ σπέρμα ἐν περικαρπίοις λόγχῃ ὁμοίοις, τριγώνοις» Διοσκ. 3. 161 κἑξ.

Greek Monolingual

ο (Α λογχίτης) λόγχη
στρατιώτης οπλισμένος με λόγχη, λογχοφόρος.

Wikipedia EN

Serapias lingua.jpg
Serapias lingua

Serapias lingua, commonly known as tongue-orchid or the tongue Serapias, is a species of orchid native to the Mediterranean. Serapias lingua can be found in damp meadows and open fields of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece and all the Mediterranean islands west of Crete and in western North Africa. Serapias lingua flowers in spring to early summer with 2.5 cm flowers and then they go dormant in mid and late summer.

Wikipedia EN

Der Einschwielige Zungenstendel (Serapias lingua) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Orchideen (Orchidaceae).

German (Pape)

ὁ, = λογχήρης, Hdn. epimer. p. 78.