Βοηθὸς ἴσθι τοῖς καλῶς εἰργασμένοις → Bonis inceptis addas auxilium tuum → Erweise dich als Helfer dem, was gut getan
Latin > English
lapillus lapilli N M :: little stone, pebble; precious stone, gem, jewel
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
lăpillus: i, m.
dim. lapis,
I a little stone, a pebble (perh. not ante-Aug.).
I In gen.: invitat somnos crepitantibus unda lapillis, Ov. M. 11, 604; Plin. 10, 23, 30, § 59 sq. —Lucky days were marked with white, and unlucky ones with black stones (cf. calculus, 2. e.); hence: felix utraque lux diesque nobis Signandi melioribus lapillis, i. e. with white stones, Mart. 9, 53, 5; cf.: hunc Macrine, diem numera meliore lapillo, Pers. 2, 1; cf. also Plin. 7, 40, 41, § 131. —In trials at law, a white stone was cast as a vote for acquittal, a black stone for condemnation: mos erat antiquus niveis atrisque lapillis, His damnare reos, illis absolvere culpa, Ov. M. 15, 41.—
II In partic.
A Stone in the bladder, gravel: ejectus calculoso, Plin. 28, 4, 9, § 42.—
B A precious stone, gem, jewel; marble, etc.: inter niveos viridesque lapillos, i. e. pearls and emeralds, Hor. S. 1, 2, 80: caris aures onerare lapillis, Ov. A. A. 3, 129: indici, Mart. 1, 110, 4: Libyci, bits of Numidian marble, Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 19.—
C A tombstone, Inscr. ap. Murat. 1536, 6; cf. Burm. Anth. Lat. 2, p. 269.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
lăpillus,¹² ī, m., dim. de lapis,
1 petite pierre, petit caillou : Ov. M. 11, 604 ; Plin. 10, 59 ; diem signare melioribus lapillis Mart. 9, 52, 5 ; diem numerare meliore lapillo Pers. 2, 1, marquer un jour comme heureux [avec de petits cailloux blancs], v. lapis
2 pierre précieuse : Hor. S. 1, 2, 80 ; Mart. 1, 109, 4 || pierre [de la vessie], calcul : Plin. 28, 42 || marbre : Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 19 || pierre tumulaire : Inscr.
Latin > German (Georges)
lapillus, ī, m. (Demin. v. lapis), das Steinchen, I) im allg.: lapilli crepitantes, Ov.: grues lapillum pede sustinentes, Plin. – lapilli Numidici, Stückchen aus numidischem Marmor, Hor. – diem signare melioribus lapillis od. numerare meliore lapillo, den Tag zu den glücklichen zählen (nach der Sitte der Thrazier, die die guten u. bösen Tage des Lebens nach weißen u. schwarzen Steinchen zählten, vgl. Plin. 7, 131), Pers. 2, 1. Mart. 9, 52, 5. – II) insbes.: 1) der Nierenstein, Blasenstein, Plin. 28, 42. – 2) der Edelstein, auch die Perle, nivei viridesque lapilli, Perlen u. Smaragden, Hor.: Eoi, Prop., od. Indici, Mart.: gemmae et ex alieno litore petiti lapilli, Sen. rhet.: insignes lapillis et coloribus vestes, Lact.: caris aures onerare lapillis, Ov.: candicant orbiculi lapillorum, Solin. – 3) das Stimmsteinchen, beim Abstimmen über Leben u. Tod, lapilli nivei atrique, Ov. met. 15, 41. – 4) der Leichenstein (?), Corp. inscr. Lat. 5, 2417.