οὐκ ἔστιν οὐδείς, οὐδ' ὁ Μυσῶν ἔσχατος → there is nobody, not even the last of the Mysians | there is nobody, not even the meanest of mankind
English (LSJ)
Ion. -ιη, ἡ,
A working by hand, practice of a handicraft or art, skill herein, Ar.Lys.673, etc.; opp. γνώμη and γνῶσις (theory), Hp. Morb.1.6, Pl.Plt.259 e; opp. ξύνεσις, Id.Amat.135b. II ahandicraft or art, Id.Plt.258d, 277c; τῶν ζωγράφων . . ἡ καλὴ χ. Anaxandr. 33.1: pl., περὶ τέχνας ἢ χειρουργίας τινάς Pl.Smp.203a, cf. Grg. 450b. 2 esp. the art or practice of surgery, opp. the administration of medicine, χειρουργίῃ χρῆσθαι perform an operation, Hp.Prog. [23]; χειρουργίην ἐν γραφῇ διηγεῖσθαι the mode of operation, Id.Art. 33, cf. D.S.5.74, Ph.1.253, Dsc.5.15, Ruf. ap. Orib.8.24.7, Sor.1.12, etc.
German (Pape)
[Seite 1347] ἡ, das Arbeiten mit den Händen, Ar. Lys. 673; γραφῆς καὶ συμπάσης χειρουργίας Plat. Polit. 277 c; die Ausübung eines Handwerkes oder einer Kunst, περὶ τεκτονικὴν καὶ σύμπασαν χειρουργίαν 258 d; Ggstz γνῶσις, 259 e; vgl. noch Conv. 203 a; bes. die Wundarzneikunst, Sp.