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ἄνω ποταμῶν ἱερῶν χωροῦσι παγαί → the springs of sacred rivers flow upward, backward to their sources flow the streams of holy rivers


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ămĕs: ĭtis, prob. m. cf. amentum,
I a pole or fork, esp. for holding and spreading bird-nets: amites: perticae aucupales, Paul. ex Fest. p. 12 Müll.: aut amite levi rara tendit retia, * Hor. Epod. 2, 33; Pall. Sept. 12. —Also for bearing a litter or sedan: amites basternarum, Pall. Jun. 2, 3.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ămĕs,¹⁶ ĭtis, m., perche :
1 bâton d’oiseleur : Hor. Epo. 2, 33
2 traverse de clôture : Col. Rust. 9, 1, 3
3 [au plur.] brancards d’une litière fermée (basterna) à l’usage des femmes : amites basternarum Pall. 7, 2, 3