From LSJ
Θνητὸς πεφυκὼς τοὐπίσω πειρῶ βλέπειν → Homo natus id, quod instat, ut videas, age → Als sterblich Wesen mühe dich zu seh'n, was folgt
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
asbestŏs: i, m. (sc. lapis), = ἄσβεστος (incombustible),
I a stone of an iron-gray color, found in Arcadia, differing from the common asbestos, perh. amiantus, Plin. 37, 10, 54, § 146.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
asbestŏs, ī, m. (ἄσβεστος), minéral incombustible : Plin. 37, 146