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τίς γὰρ ἁδονᾶς ἄτερ θνατῶν βίος ποθεινὸς ἢ ποία τυραννίς; τᾶς ἄτερ οὐδὲ θεῶν ζηλωτὸς αἰών → What human life is desirable without pleasure, or what lordly power? Without it not even the life of the gods is enviable.


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

lābēcŭla: ae, f.
dim. 2. labes,
I a slight stain or disgrace, a blemish; opprobrium: alicui aspergere labeculam, Cic. Vatin. 17, 41.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

lābēcŭla,¹⁶ æ, f. (labes), légère tache (flétrissure) : Cic. Vat. 41.