μή, φίλα ψυχά, βίον ἀθάνατον σπεῦδε, τὰν δ' ἔμπρακτον ἄντλει μαχανάν → Oh! my soul do not aspire to eternal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible. | Do not yearn, O my soul, for immortal life! Use to the utmost the skill that is yours. | Do not, my soul, strive for the life of the immortals, but exhaust the practical means at your disposal.
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
flŭentum: i, n. fluo,
I a flow, flood; in concr., running water, a stream, river.
I Lit. (poet. and in post-class. prose; usually in plur.): fluenta Lubrica, Lucr. 5, 949: Xanthi, Verg. A. 4, 143: rauca (Cocyti), id. ib. 6, 327: Tiberina, id. ib. 12, 35: cum inter fluenta tibiis fidibusque concineret, i. e. by the Euripus, Flor. 2, 8, 9: Jordanis, Vulg. Num. 13, 30.—In sing., App. de Deo Socr. p. 52; Aus. Mos. 10, 59; Avien. Perieg. 32; Prud. στεφ. 12, 32.—Of milk: tonans (Juppiter) suxit fluenta mammarum, Arn. 4, 141.—
II Transf., a stream of fire (cf. fluctus, II. A. 2.): flammarum, App. de Mundo, p. 73 (shortly before, flumina); a stream or current of air, Lucr. 5, 278; al. fluenteis for fluentis.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
flŭentum,¹⁴ ī, et ordt -ta, ōrum, n., cours d’eau, rivière, fleuve : Lucr. 5, 949 ; fluenta Tiberina Virg. En. 12, 35, le Tibre || liquide qui coule : Arn. 4, 21 || flammarum Apul. Mund. 34, torrents de flammes.
Latin > German (Georges)
fluentum, ī, n. (fluo), die Strömung, der Strom, umoris fluenta lubrica, Lucr.: Xanthi fluenta, Verg.: Sing. b. Auson., Avien. u.a. – fluenta mammarum, Milchstrom, Arnob.: flammarum, Feuerstrom, Apul.: auri, Goldstrom, Apul. – übtr., eloquentiae eius fluenta, Hieron. epist. 97, 3.