ἀλλ' ἐπὶ καὶ θανάτῳ φάρμακον κάλλιστον ἑᾶς ἀρετᾶς ἅλιξιν εὑρέσθαι σὺν ἄλλοις → even at the price of death, the fairest way to win his own exploits together with his other companions | but even at the risk of death would find the finest elixir of excellence together with his other companions | but to find, together with other young men, the finest remedy — the remedy of one's own valor — even at the risk of death
German > Latin
Teufel, I) eig.: diabŏlus (διάβολος, Eccl.). – des T. Künste, malae artes. – geh zum T.! abi in malam rem! od. quin tu abis in malam pestem malumque cruciatum!: der T. hole meine Leute, wenn sie nicht Ruhe halten! malum meis militibus, nisi quieverint! – II) übtr.; z.B. ein armer T., homo miser od. misellus od. miserrimus (ein bedauernswürdiger Mensch); homo egens, auch bl. egens (ein Darbender); homo inops censu. homo sine censu (ein Mensch ohne Vermögen).