From LSJ
πείθεται πᾶς ἥδιον ἢ βιάζεται (Dio Cassius, Historiae Romanae 8.36.3) → it's always more pleasant to be persuaded than to be forced
English (Autenrieth)
(ᾧ μέλει ἄγρα): Meleāger, son of Oeneus and Althaea, husband of Cleopatra, the slayer of the Calydonian boar. A quarrel arose between the Curētes of Pleuron and the Aetolians for the head and skin of the boar. The Aetolians had the upper hand until Meleāger withdrew from the struggle in consequence of the curses of his mother. But he was afterwards induced by his wife to enter the conflict again, and he drove the Curētes vanquished into Acarnania, Il. 9.543 ff., Il. 2.642.