From LSJ
πρέπει γὰρ τοὺς παῖδας ὥσπερ τῆς οὐσίας οὕτω καὶ τῆς φιλίας τῆς πατρικῆς κληρονομεῖν → it is right that children inherit their fathers' friendships just as they would their possessions
English (LSJ)
A = ἄπηρος, unh armed, A.R.1.888 (ap.EM122.4; ἀπήμοσιν codd.), v.l. A.R.1.556 (on the accent v. Hdn.Gr.1.7).
German (Pape)
[Seite 290] ές (πηρός), nicht verstümmelt, unversehrt, Ap. Rh. 1, 888.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ἀπηρής: -ές, (πηρὸς) ὁ μὴ πεπηρωμένος, ὁ μὴ παθὼν πήρωσιν, ἄρτιος, Ἀπολλ. Ρόδ. Α. 888. - Ἐπίρρ. -ρῶς, ἴδε Κραμήρου Ἀν. Ὀξ. 1. 84.
Spanish (DGE)
• Alolema(s): ἀπαρές Hsch.
incólume, indemne ἑταῖροι A.R.1.888, cf. EM 122.4G., ἀπαρές· ὑγιές Hsch.
•incólume, sin desastres νόστος A.R.1.556, cf. Hdn.Gr.1.71.