εὐκαταφρόνητός ἐστι σιγηρὸς τρόπος → a way of life disposed to silence is contemptible (Menander)
Full diacritics: ῥαντήρ | Medium diacritics: ῥαντήρ | Low diacritics: ραντήρ | Capitals: ΡΑΝΤΗΡ |
Transliteration A: rhantḗr | Transliteration B: rhantēr | Transliteration C: rantir | Beta Code: r(anth/r |
ῆρος, ὁ, (ῥαίνω)
A one who wets, esp. of the inner corner of the eye, Nic. Th.673, cf. Poll.2.71. II sprinkler, Mon.Ant.23.150 (Adanda).