
From LSJ

ὃν οἱ θεοὶ φιλοῦσιν ἀποθνήσκει νέος → he whom the gods love dies young, only the good die young


Wikipedia EN

In Greek mythology, Meleager (/ˌmɛliˈeɪɡər/, Greek: Μελέαγρος, translit. Meléagros) was a hero venerated in his temenos at Calydon in Aetolia. He was already famed as the host of the Calydonian boar hunt in the epic tradition that was reworked by Homer. Meleager is also mentioned as one of the Argonauts.

English (Autenrieth)

(ᾧ μέλει ἄγρα): Meleāger, son of Oeneus and Althaea, husband of Cleopatra, the slayer of the Calydonian boar. A quarrel arose between the Curētes of Pleuron and the Aetolians for the head and skin of the boar. The Aetolians had the upper hand until Meleāger withdrew from the struggle in consequence of the curses of his mother. But he was afterwards induced by his wife to enter the conflict again, and he drove the Curētes vanquished into Acarnania, Il. 9.543 ff., Il. 2.642.

English (Slater)

Μελέαγρος son of Oineus, killed by Apollo. μαχατὰν αἰνέων Μελέαγρον, αἰνέων δὲ καὶ Ἕκτορα Ἀμφιάρηόν τε (I. 7.32) Με]λεαγρον (supp. Lobel) P. Oxy. 2622. 17 ad ?fr. 346. test., Σ Gen., Hom., Φ 1, Ἡρακλῆς εἰς Ἅιδου κατελθὼν ἐπὶ τὸν Κέρβερον συνέτυχε Μελεάγρῳ κτἑ. fr. 149a ad Δ. 2. cf. Σ ad Δ. 4g, Δ. 4f.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

Μελέαγρος:Мелеагр (родом из Калидона, участник похода Аргонавтов и Калидонской охоты) Hom. etc.


bg: Мелеагър; br: Meleagros; ca: Melèagre; cs: Meleagros; de: Meleagros; el: Μελέαγρος; en: Meleager; eo: Meleagro; es: Meleagro; et: Meleagros; eu: Meleagro; fa: ملئاگروس; fi: Meleagros; fr: Méléagre; he: מלאגרוס; hu: Meleagrosz; hy: Մելեագրոս; id: Meleagros; it: Meleagro; ja: メレアグロス; ka: მელეაგროსი; ko: 멜레아그로스; la: Meleager; lb: Meleagros; lt: Meleagras; my: မယ်လီယေးဂါ; nl: Meleager; no: Meleagros;: Meleager; pt: Meleagro; ro: Meleagru; ru: Мелеагр; sh: Meleagar; sk: Meleagros; sl: Meleagros; sr: Мелеагар; sv: Meleagros; tr: Meleagros; uk: Мелеагр; uz: Meleagr; zh: 麦莱亚戈