
From LSJ

λίγεια μινύρεται θαμίζουσα μάλιστ' ἀηδών → the sweet-voiced nightingale mourns constantly, the sweet-voiced nightingale most loves to warble


Spanish (DGE)

-ου, τό
• Alolema(s): ἀδνοῦμεν PApoll.27.3 (VIII d.C.)
lat. ad nomen, lista de nombres de donde leva, reclutamiento ἀδνούμια ποιεῖν τῶν ... στρατιωτικῶν ἀριθμῶν Ath.Scholast.Coll.4.11 (p.56), τὸ ἀ. τῶν ἐργάτων PApoll.l.c., ἀ.· ἀπογραφὴ ὀνομάτων παρὰ Ῥωμαίοις Sud., Zonar.