From LSJ
Ῥᾷον βίον ζῇς, ἢν γυναῖκα μὴ τρέφῃς → Vivas facilius, coniugem si non alas → Dann lebst du leichter, wenn du keine Frau ernährst
Frisk Etymological English
Grammatical information: f.
Meaning: wife of Priamos (Il.); metonym. = χοῖρος (Orph. Fr. 46; because of the rich progeny; cf. Χοιρίλη s. χοῖρος). Korinth. Ϝεκαβα
Dialectal forms: Korinth. Ϝεκαβα
Origin: PG [a word of Pre-Greek origin]X [probably]
Etymology: Shortened for *Ἐκαβόλος, s. ἑκηβόλος and Kretschmer Glotta 12, 104, Sohnsen Unt. 25f. Doubtful; the name may be Pre-Greek.