From LSJ
αὔριον ὔμμε πάσας ἐγὼ λουσῶ Συβαρίτιδος ἔνδοθι λίμνας → tomorrow I'll wash you one and all in Sybaris lake
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
taking the sacred hangings from the treasure-house, he made a canopy: V. λαβὼν ὑφάσμαθ' ἱρὰ θησαυρῶν πάρα κατεσκίαζε (Euripides, Ion, 1141).
upon the roof he spreads a canopy of cloth: V. ὀρόφῳ πτέρυγα περιβάλλει πέπλων (Euripides, Ion, 1143).