From LSJ
ἐπέμψατε ἀγγέλους τοῖς ἀλλήλοις ὥστε ἔγνωτε τὸν κίνδυνον → you sent messengers to one another so that you knew the danger
Latin > English
chamaecissos chamaecissi N F :: ground ivy (Glecoma hederacea); kind of cyclamen
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
chămaecissŏs: i, f., = χαμαικισσος,
I ground-ivy: Glecoma hederacea, Linn.; Plin. 16, 34, 62, § 152; 24, 15, 84, § 135 (ā, Ser. Samm. 44, 799).—
II A kind of cyclaminus, Plin. 25, 9, 69, § 116.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
chămæcissŏs, ī, f. (χαμαίκισσος), lierre terrestre : Plin. 16, 152 || espèce de cyclamen : Plin. 25, 116.
Latin > German (Georges)
chamaecissos, ī, f. (χαμαίκισσος), I) der Erdefeu, Gundermann (Glechoma hederacea, L.), Plin. u. Ser. Samm. – II) eine Art der cyclaminos, Plin. 25, 116.