
From LSJ

Ψεῦδος δὲ μισεῖ πᾶς σοφὸς καὶ χρήσιμος → Mendacium odit, qui vir est frugi et sapit → Die Lüge hasst der Weise und der Ehrenmann

Menander, Monostichoi, 554

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

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verb transitive

P. καταλάμπειν (gen.), V. φλέγειν.

make plain: P. and V. σαφηνίζειν (Xen.), διασαφεῖν (Plato), V. ὀμματοῦν, Ar. and V. ἐξομματοῦν.

adorn: P. and V. κοσμεῖν, ποικίλλειν.

instruct: P. and V. παιδεύειν; see instruct.

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

illūmĭnātē: adv., v. illumino.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

illūmĭnātē (inl-), avec l’éclat du style [emploi des figures] : Cic. de Or. 3, 53.

Latin > German (Georges)

illūminātē, Adv. (illumino), erleuchtet, lichtvoll, dicere, Cic. de or. 3, 53.

Latin > Chinese

illuminate. adv. :: 顯然