
From LSJ

αἰὼν παῖς ἐστι παίζων, πεσσεύων∙ παιδός η βασιληίη → time is a child playing draughts; the kingship is a child's | a life-time is a child playing, playing checkers: the kingship belongs to a child | a whole human life-time is nothing but a child playing, playing checkers: the kingship belongs to a child | lifetime is a child at play, moving pieces in a game; kingship belongs to the child


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

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P. and V. ἀθέως, V. ἀνοσίως.


Catalan: sacrílegament; French: sacrilégement; Greek: ανόσια, ανίερα; Ancient Greek: ἀθέως, ἀνιέρως, ἀνιερωστί, ἀνοσίως; Italian: sacrilegamente; Portuguese: sacrilegamente; Russian: кощунственно; Spanish: sacrílegamente