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English (LSJ)

χλαῖνα, χλανίς, Hsch.

Spanish (DGE)

χλαῖνα, χλανίς Hsch.

Frisk Etymological English

Grammatical information: f.
Meaning: χλαῖνα, χλανίς H.
Origin: XX [etym. unknown]
Etymology: Blumenthal Hesychst. 25 n. 1 through dissimilation of *τεκτή, to Lat. tego, toga; improbable.

Frisk Etymology German

δεκτή: {dektḗ}
Meaning: χλαῖνα, χλανίς H.
Etymology : Nach v. Blumenthal Hesychst. 25 A. 1 durch Dissimilation aus *τεκτή, zu lat. tego, toga. — Ganz unwahrscheinlich.
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