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English (LSJ)

ίδος, ἡ,
A chamber pot, Hp.Loc.Hom.47, Ar.V.935, Th.633, etc., f.l. in A.Supp.842; prov., σιτία εἰς ἀμίδα μὴ ἐμβάλλειν 'cast not pearls before swine', Plu.2.12f; ἐς τὴν ἀμίδα ἐνουρεῖν 'to be suitably treated' (in contempt), Luc.Merc.Cond.4. (ἁμίς Ar.Fr.41 D.)

German (Pape)

[Seite 125] od. ἁμίς (Lex. spir. p. 210), ίδος, ἡ, Nachttopf, Ar. Th. 633; vgl. Eupol. Ath. I, 17 e; Dem. 54, 4. – Bei Aesch. Suppl. 822. 827 ch. ἐπ' ἀμίδα, wofür schon VLL. ἀμάδα gelesen haben, Kahn, Nachen; Herm. will es als ein anderes Wort mit langem α ansehen.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ἀμίς: -ίδος, ἡ, οὐροδοχεῖον, Ἀριστοφ. Σφ. 935, Θεσμ. 633: - τὸ ἐν Αἰσχύλ. Ἱκ. 842 εἶναι ἐφθαρμένον, ἴδε ἐν λέξ. ἅμαλα.

French (Bailly abrégé)

ou ἁμίς, ίδος (ἡ) :
pot de chambre.
Étymologie: -.
Par. προχοΐς, λάσανον, ἐκδοχεῖον.

Spanish (DGE)

-ίδος, ἡ

• Alolema(s): tb. ἁμίς Ar.V.907, Eup.45A, Men.Fr.292, Axionic.7, Timae.50, Arr.Epict.1.2.8

• Prosodia: [ᾰ-]
1 barca αἵμονες ὡς ἐπάμιδα quizá αἵμον' ἕσω σ' ἐπ' ἀμίδα ensangrentada te echaré en el barco A.Supp.847, cf. 842.
2 orinal, Margites 7.4W., Hp.Loc.Hom.47, Ar.V.807, 935, Th.633, Fr.650E, Eup.45A, D.54.4, Arist.Pr.895b7, Men.Fr.292, Axionic.l.c., Epicr.5, Com.Adesp.260.32Au., Timae.50, PCair.Zen.264.16 (III a.C.), 705.9, SB 7451.17 (III a.C.), D.Chr.37.41, Plu.2.234c, 820e, Arr.Epict.l.c., Ath.17c, S.E.M.1.234, D.L.5.77, Alciphr.3.4.5, cf. tb. Hsch., Phot.p.92R., AB 387, Sud.
prov. σιτίον εἰς ἀμίδα μὴ ἐμβάλλειν no echar perlas a los puercos Plu.2.12f, ἐς τὴν ἀμίδα ... ἐνουρεῖν ref. a un trato injurioso pero justo, Luc.Merc.Cond.4.

Greek Monolingual

ἀμίς (-ίδος), η (Α)
[ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < ἄμη. Απαντά και τ. ἁμὶς < ἅμη, ἄμη).
ΠΑΡ. αρχ. ἀμίδιον.

Greek Monotonic

ἀμίς: -ίδος, ἡ, ουροδοχείο, σε Αριστοφ.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

ἀμίς: или ἁμίς, ίδος (ᾰ) ἡ
1) ночная посуда Arph. Dem., Plut.;
2) ладья Aesch.

Middle Liddell

a chamber-pot, Ar.

Wikipedia EN

A chamber pot is a portable toilet, meant for nocturnal use in the bedroom. It was common in many cultures before the advent of indoor plumbing and flushing toilets.

"Chamber" is an older term for bedroom. The chamber pot is also known as a Jordan, a jerry, a guzunder, a po (possibly from French: pot de chambre), a potty pot, a potty, a thunder pot or a thunder mug. It was also known as a chamber utensil or bedroom ware.

Chamber pots were used in ancient Greece at least since the 6th century BC and were known under different names: ἀμίς (amis), οὐράνη (ouranē) and οὐρητρίς (ourētris, from οὖρον - ouron, "urine"), σκωραμίς / (skōramis), χερνίβιον (chernibion).

The introduction of indoor flush toilets started to displace chamber pots in the 19th century, but they remained common until the mid-20th century. The alternative to using the chamber pot was a long cold walk to the outhouse in the middle of the night.


an: pixallo; ar: قعادة; bar: botschamperl; bg: цукало; br: pod-kambr; ca: orinal; cs: nočník; cv: çĕрлехи куршак; da: natpotte; de: Nachttopf; eml: bucalèin; en: chamber pot; eo: noktovazo; es: orinal; eu: pixontzi; fa: شاش‌دان; fi: potta; fr: pot de chambre; gd: amar-mùin; he: סיר לילה; id: pispot; io: noktovazo; is: koppur; it: vaso da notte; ko: 요강; ksh: pißpott; la: matella; lb: pottschamb; nl: po; pl: nocnik; pt: penico; ro: oală de noapte; ru: ночной горшок; scn: rinali; simple: chamber pot; sr: нокшир; sv: potta; szl: nachtop; tl: arinola; uk: камерний горщик; zh: 尿壺