
Revision as of 11:51, 7 August 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "<b class="b2">Euthyd.</b>" to "''Euthyd.''")

English > Greek (Woodhouse)


Capacity: P. and V. δύναμις, ἡ. Have qualifications for: P. εὐφυής εἶναι πρός (acc.). Through lack of the qualifications necessary for competing: P. κατὰ τὴν οὐκ ἐξουσίαν τῆς ἀγωνίσεως (Thuc. 5, 50). Something added to limit a statement: P. παράφθεγμα, τό. Will you not cease adding qualifications? P. οὐ παύσει παραφθεγγόμενος; (Plat., Euthyd. 296A).