English > Greek (Woodhouse)
Φιλήμων, -ονος, ὁ.
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
Phĭlēmo: or -on, ŏnis, m., = Φιλήμων.
I A Greek comic poet, a native of Soli, in Cilicia, and a contemporary of Menander, Plaut. Trin. prol. 10; cf. Quint. 10, 1, 72; Gell. 17, 4, 1; App. Flor. 3, p. 353.—
II An historian, Plin. 4, 13, 27, § 95.—
III In mythology, a pious rustic, the husband of Baucis, Ov M. 8, 631 sq.