Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
ablātīvus: i, m. id., with or without casus,
I the ablative case (as denoting that from which something is taken away), Quint. 1, 5, 59; 1, 7, 3; 1, 4, 26; 7, 9, 10 al.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
(1) ablātīvus, ī, m., [avec ou sans casus ] ablatif : Quint. 1, 4, 26 ; 7, 9, 10, etc., cf. Diom. 302, 4.
(2) ablātīvus, a, um, qui gouverne l’ablatif : Isid. Orig. 1, 13, 1.
Latin > German (Georges)
ablātīvus, ī, m. (mit u. ohne casus) [[[ablatus]] v. aufero], der Ablativ (der sechste Kasus der lat. Deklination), Gramm.